martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

Good morning my fellow weirdos 💕 and I mean this in the most loving way possible. Being online and susceptible to a lot of negativity I'm learning that I will never define myself by the opinions and judgments others have of me and you should do the same. You see, when defining the word "opinion" the dictionary states that it's "a personal view, attitude, or appraisal." ( which means that these "personal views" are all based on a persons own life experience and ultimately ones self. So in actuality what they say of you is merely a reflection of how they view themselves. With that being said make sure you're well aware of how YOU speak and treat others. Love yourself & one another. 🖖🏼😁 and never forget to keep it weird! by geo_antoinette

via geo_antoinette

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